In the Media

Bloomberg BNA (March 29, 2017) - Robo-advisers like Betterment LLC, Financial Engines Inc. and Wealthfront Inc. stand to win a lot of business even if the Department of Labor fiduciary rule they…
Townhall (March 22, 2017) - The fiduciary rule was a controversial initiative of the Obama administration that was quickly reversed by President Trump. Proponents say it would ensure more…
AdvisorHub (March 17, 2017) - Chalk one up for a pair of Morgan Stanley brokers fighting to keep their regulatory records clean, and the Honolulu-based arbitrator who labored on their case for more…
The Norman Transcript (March 12, 2017) - The fiduciary rule, which would require retirement advisers to act in the best interest of their clients, is set to go into effect on April 10, but in a Feb.…
The Detroit News (March 3, 2017) - With one eye on Washington and the other on their client list, the nation’s financial industry is already ramping up for the “fiduciary rule,” which dramatically… (February 28, 2017) - With one eye on Washington and the other on their client list, the nation’s financial industry is already ramping up for the “fiduciary rule,” which dramatically…
AdvisorHub (February 27, 2017) - A former pharmaceutical executive serving an 18-year manslaughter sentence is battling to bring a $37 million arbitration claim against Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner…
Bloomberg BNA (February 22, 2017) - The Labor Department’s fiduciary rule survived yet another legal challenge when a federal judge in Kansas upheld the rule on its merits after previously refusing…
PRNewswire (February 9, 2017) - WASHINGTON, Feb. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- In the wake of the late Wednesday decision by U.S. District Judge Barbara M.G. Lynn dismissing a legal challenge to the…
Law360 (February 9, 2017) - The Trump administration will need to build a robust administrative record if it wants to convince the public and courts a full-scale repeal of the new fiduciary rule for…