PIABA Honors and Awards
This award is presented to a PIABA member in recognition of outstanding educational contributions to PIABA's member ship-at-large, including but not limited to the topics of securities laws, regulations, practice tips, professionalism, ethics, and well-being. This special recognition may be given to a member for thoughtful and beneficial educational efforts provided to the membership such as contributions to the PIABA email list-serves, supplementing PIABA's members-only materials, participating in educational panels or webinars, or making other substantial and meaningful
The PIABA Distinguished Service Award is presented to an individual in recognition of outstanding, long‐term and sustained service to promote the interests of the public investor in securities and commodities arbitration. Honorees may be recognized for service to the Association, outstanding contributions to and achievements in the field of arbitration. The individual must be or at one time have been a member of Public Investors Advocate Bar Association.
The PIABA Outstanding Service Award is given annually to a PIABA member (or members) demonstrating outstanding service and making significant contributions to PIABA while advancing the mission of PIABA. The individual(s) selected shall be from the general membership and may not be or have served on the PIABA board of directors. Contributions to the Association are based on a minimum two-year period of service.