Benefits of Membership
Various levels of membership, each with distinct benefits, are available to Attorneys, Law School Arbitration Clinic Directors, Retired Attorneys, Regulators, Paralegals, and Law Students. Classes include: Regular Members; Young Members, Regulator Members; Retiree Members; Paralegals/Legal Assistants, and Law Student Members. Each class of membership has access to the on-line version of the PIABA Bar Journal. The Journal may be searched by article or members may elect to read (or print) the full editions of individual Journals.
Referrals (Regular and Young Members)
Regular Membership Application
Young Member Application (35 and under or in practice less than 5 years)
Retiree Membership Application
Membership is open to any retiring PIABA member who shall be designated “Retiree Member”. Members seeking the designation of "retiree member," are required to execute a certification of the same and/or to otherwise provide documentation which evidences that the individual has retired or that the individual's license to engage in the practice of law is inactive. Although Retiree membership does not include listing in the PIABA referral database or voting privileges, it does include access to the PIABA members area of its website, subscription to the PIABA members list-serve, attendance to closed Meeting sessions, and subscription to the PIABA Bar Journal. By invitation, Retiree Members may serve on PIABA Committees. Retiree Members are not eligible to serve on the Board of Directors or as an officer of the Association. Annual membership dues are $205.
Regulator Membership Application
Regulator member applicants must be an attorney-at-law duly admitted to practice before the courts. Upon receipt of a Regulator Member application, it usually takes one week to finalize the review and admission process. In general, Regulator Members have access to the on-line PIABA Bar Journal, Awards Database, Publications, and Member Directory. Regulator Members may attend PIABA Annual Meeting Closed sessions, the PIABA Annual Business Meeting, and serve on PIABA committees (with the approval of the PIABA President). They are not permitted to participate in the Referral service, Member list-serves (excepting committee list-serves), serve as a PIABA Director or vote in Director elections. Annual membership dues are $625.
Law Student Membership Application
Student member applicants must be a current law student enrolled in a Securities Arbitration or Law Clinic and/or be employed by a PIABA Member. Upon receipt of a Student Member application, it usually takes three days to finalize the review and complete admission process. In general, Student Members have access to the on-line PIABA Bar Journal, Awards Database, Expert Database and Member Directory. Student Members may attend PIABA Meeting closed sessions, the PIABA Annual Business Meeting, and serve on PIABA committees (with the approval of the PIABA President). They are not permitted to participate in the Referral service, Member list-serves, serve as a PIABA Director or vote in Director elections. Annual dues are $80.
Paralegal/Legal Assistant Membership Application
Individuals employed by a current PIABA member in good standing as a Paralegal or Legal Assistant who are performing substantive legal work 80% (or more) of the time may apply for Paralegal Membership. In general, Paralegal Members have access to all Member services including access to the PIABA members area of its website, subscription to the PIABA members list-serve, attendance to PIABA Meeting Closed sessions, and subscription to the PIABA Bar Journal. Paralegal members may serve on PIABA Committees. The annual membership fee is $255 per year.