In the Media

Advertising Like Doctors, Arbitrating Like Used Car Salesmen: "Huge Disconnect" Seen Between Brokerage Ad Claims and Tactics Used to Fight Aggrieved Investors; SEC and DOL Action Seen as…
PIABA Slams Nine Brokerages, But Is Their Report Sound?, by Megan (March 25, 2015) In a report published Wednesday, the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association…
Advertising Like Doctors, Arbitrating Like Used Car Salesmen: "Huge Disconnect" Seen Between Brokerage Ad Claims and Tactics Used to Fight Aggrieved Investors; SEC and DOL Action Seen as VitallYahoo.…
Review of 9 Major Brokerage Firms to Show All Claim to Put Customers First and Some Even Claim to Support Fiduciary Duty Standard, But All Deny Any Such Responsibility in Arbitration.InvestorIdeas (…
TheStreet (NEW YORK) (March 24, 2014 11:42 PM) -- Wall Street and the political hacks beholden to it have been throwing an extended temper tantrum over a push to raise the standards expected of…
Econintersect (March 30, 2015) -- A new report from the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association (PIABA) charges that brokerage firms bilk investors out of an average of $17 billion dollars a…
Finra makes some information more prominent, but system still doesn't go far enough plaintiffs' attorneys sayInvestmentNews (March 17, 2015 11:18 am) -- As more investors use Finra's BrokerCheck…
BloombergBusiness (March 10, 2015 4:28 pm) -- As the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is in its fifth year of studying the controversial mandatory arbitration process for investors, the…
With spotlight on consumer confusion, harm, some think SEC will be swayed to quicker action reviewing brokerage contractsInvestmentNews (March 10, 2015 9:07 am) -- A new study of arbitration in the…
PIABA Urges SEC To Weigh CFPB Study Faulting Mandatory Arbitration AgreementsInformation contained on this page is provided by an independent third-party content provider. WorldNow and this Station…