(Reuters) (November 14, 2014, 12:38 pm) — The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission does not have to release records about its supervision of Wall Street’s arbitration process to a group of investors’ lawyers, a federal appeals court ruled on Friday.

The decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ends, at least for now, a long-running battle about the public’s right of access to documents about the SEC’s oversight over the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s arbitration system.

FINRA, the Wall Street industry-funded watchdog, runs the arbitration forum where investors and brokerages must resolve their legal disputes. The SEC oversees and examines FINRA, which is a private organization.

At issue was whether an exemption to the Freedom of Information Act should allow the SEC to keep certain records about arbitration under seal. The court agreed that the SEC had properly invoked the exemption, which protects information contained in “examination reports” that federal agencies use to regulate financial institutions, according to the opinion.

The FOIA gives the public access to federal agency records, but it carves out exemptions. In 2010, the SEC claimed such an exemption in turning down a request by the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association a group of lawyers whose members represent investors in FINRA’s arbitration system. PIABA lost again after a second SEC review and filed a lawsuit against the agency.

PIABA’s president and lawyers representing the group were not immediately available to comment. A spokeswoman for FINRA, which was not a party to the suit, declined to comment.

PIABA wanted the documents, related to FINRA’s process for picking arbitrators and checking their backgrounds, as a matter of transparency, it has said. Consumers are “forced” into the process when signing agreements to open their brokerage accounts and should know how FINRA determines who hears their cases, PIABA says.

The group had argued, among other things, that the FOIA exemption the SEC invoked should protect information related to actual financial examinations and not “administrative activities” such as oversight of FINRA’s arbitration process. The court, however, held that the exemption applies to documents the SEC collects while “examining any organization the agency regulates.”