In the Media

Bond Case Briefs (October 28, 2013) -- In letters to Ketchum and SEC Markey calls for tougher expungement rules and more effort to throw out roguesSen. Edward J. Markey, D-Mass., is pushing the SEC…
InvestmentNews (October 24, 2008 1:25 pm) -- The plaintiff's bar will continue pushing for the elimination of industry arbitrators, said Brian Smiley, the new president of the Public Investors… (Reuters) (October 2013) – Wall Street’s industry-funded watchdog issued new guidance late Monday that gives arbitrators more information about their responsibilities in a process that…
Financial Advisor (October 24, 2013) -- So, are hordes of rogue brokers erasing their troubled disciplinary records thanks to Finra arbitrators who are rubber-stamping expungement requests?         …
FINRA to Tighten Training and Standards for Expungement Arbitrators, by Mason (October 22, 2013 11:29 pm) -- After coming under pressure from the public and investor… (October 22, 2013 9:10 am) -- The latest edition of the DealFlow Report includes coverage of a Public Investors Arbitration BAr Association study finding an "alarming" increase in the… (October 22, 2013 4:38 am) -- Wells Fargo agreed to pay $125,000 to settle a complaint that accused the bank of fraud related to a broker's actions. The broker, Michele Kief in Naples…
Is it too easy to clear broker records? - Expungement granted at least 90% of the time in the 1,625 cases in which it was requested between '07 and '11: Study, by Mark Schoeff Jr.InvestmentNews (… (October 18, 2013) -- Attention all producers: Stockbrokers to whom you refer clients for advice on investing in stocks may not have the unblemished records that public records…
Bloomberg BNA (October 18, 2013) --Expungement relief was granted in a very high percentage of arbitration cases filed by investors against broker-dealers, particularly those that were resolved by…